Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Evening walk around town

Yesterday evening, I decided to go for a walk around town. I started out at about 9 pm, which seems to be one of the most active times for Buckland. Being used to going to bed early in Fairbanks (partly due to the early school start and partly to my love for a good night's rest), this has been quite a difference for me... I just wanted to share some pictures that I took around town. I talked to Gary Hagley who explained to me the use of these little shacks: They are used to dry fish and caribou. That was an eye-opening explanation because I started noticing these shacks all over town. This one is nicely decorated with caribou racks.

This second picture shows a fairly typical backyard: lots of dogs and the remains from the last hunt (caribou hides) hung up for drying.I also took some pictures of the transportation that the locals use to get around town - it's an interesting mix of old and new technology with the new technology actually often being used to pull the more traditional sled.

This next picture shows the "toy version". Kids ride their snow-go's and pull others along in the plastic sled. This looks quite dangerous, but is actually the kids' favorite winter activity!
This last picture shows where things are happening in town: the gym. Every evening but Sunday and Wednesday, there is open gym with times dedicated for each age group. From 9 'till 11 pm, it's the adults' open gym. There are usually about 20 guys or girls (depending on the night) playing basketball in teams of 5 - it's a blast! I must admit though, unlike Ali-K, I have avoided playing basketball myself. Getting the ball even close to the basket is way too much of a challenge for me... :) So, this picture shows the "parking lot" in front of the school during a women's open gym night.

1 comment:

Ute said...

Beautiful photos and nice comments reflective of the culture.