Thursday, March 18, 2010

2 more days...

Only 2 more days before I leave for Buckland!

Since last night I actually know for sure that I'll be sleeping at the school. I thus better bring my sleeping bag and maybe my camping mat to make for some restful nights... I also received my flight information: I'm leaving Fairbanks on Saturday at 8:10 am, flying first south to Anchorage, from there to Kotzebue und finally from Kotzebue to Buckland. I should arrive in Buckland around 6pm. Even though the air distance from Fairbanks to Buckland does not seem to be very long, the journey will certainly take us places... (if you're unfamiliar with Alaskan geography, I'm sure google earth can help you out!) I hope that I will get a chance to walk around Kotzebue because it seems that I do not often get a chance to go to rural Alaska. I guess there's a reason for rural Alaska being called rural!:)

Today, I just finished preparing my French classes for next week. Luckily, my mentor teacher will be teaching the class and did therefore not need to write out very detailed instructions... So, now that I took care of my Fairbanks duties, I am ready to really get ready for Buckland. Besides packing, I will do some research about the community. I already found some data from the 2010 census, which I will share with you either this afternoon or tomorrow... I will also post a picture of Buckland, so you can get an idea of what it looks like! So check back for more information about my travel destination!

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