Monday, March 22, 2010

First day at school

I attended a variety of classes at Nunachiam Sissauni, the school here in Buckland, today. It was interesting to see some similarities between Buckland and Lathrop, while other things seemed quite different. The routine of taking attendance on powerschool is identical to the one in Fairbanks: AU (absence unexcused) for students that are not present. Also the classrooms are arranged fairly similar to the ones in Fairbanks - colorful posters line the walls, some of which meant to inspire confidence, others work spirit or timely submission of classwork.

The main difference I noticed, being used to my mentor's classroom in Fairbanks, is the pace of the lessons. The teachers seem to be fairly easy-going and seem to match the lesson pace to the general pace of the town. Why rush?

Another significant difference is the level of technology. Each classroom has a smartboard and each high schooler a mac laptop. Whether the latter is beneficiary or mostly a distraction is yet to be determined... However, Nunachiam Sissauni certainly does not lag behind when it comes to technology!


Ute said...

Great observations. Love your blog.

larry meath said...

You guys are a shining star for the program. Keep up the good work.