Friday, March 19, 2010

I keep thinking how I really can't imagine what it would be like to grow up in Buckland. Let's try to paint a picture: you're ten years old, you're in 4th grade. There are about 450 people living in your little village and by now you probably know most of them - certainly all the other students that go to the school. Your parents hunt and fish and you've grown up not knowing any other meal plan... So far, so good, right? I mean, caribou and salmon are really tasty, so why would you mind at the age of 10? Let's move 6 years ahead... You are now in 10th grade - well on your way in high school. You're slowly learning about other places, some closer some farther away and you start to wonder what you are going to do when you grow up.

You're certainly going to finish high school even though that is becoming increasingly difficult since summer fish camp and hunting makes you miss parts of the school year. But you're motivated and therefore doing ok. So, what are your plans for after high school? Let's check out what the school district offers. So far the homepage has served you well - you found information about your classes, sport events, grades. Now the time has come to explore the link 'post graduate opportunities'. One mouse click and you discover: "Check back later..." ...

I'm sure this is only due to the change that the homepage is going through at the moment, but it almost appears to be symbolic... There are only 94 employed people living in Buckland, so not too many careers that youth can observe on a daily basis and thus not too much information about future careers... I think it would be tough to grow up in Buckland!

I am sure the school district does a great job preparing high school seniors for the transition out of school and there are certainly also many advantages to this rural lifestyle even if you can't watch a DMV officer fulfill his duty throughout the year. I am sure after next week I will be aware of some of the bright sides of rural Alaska and will have a more rounded picture of the community of Buckland! Buckland - here I come!

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