Saturday, March 20, 2010

Arrival in Buckland!

After a long day of travelling, we (meaning Cat Whitney see her blog, Ali-K Packa see her blog and I) arrived in Buckland AK just before 6 pm. The journey certainly seemed quite long - first from Fairbanks to Anchorage, from there to Kotzebue with a stop in Nome and finally from there to Buckland!

The last flight was the most exciting one - in a three passenger and 1 pilot plane! The pilot even flew an extra circle to allow us a closer look at a few caribou on the white ground below - it was awesome!
In Buckland, Terri Walker, the principal of the school here was waiting for us in her Honda. She gave us a tour of the village, which included a stop at the local store. She showed us our sleeping quarters in the school. Very comfortable and the kitchen is luxury! Together with teacher housing, the school building is the only place in the village that has plumbing - staying here is therefore a priviledge!

Picture of Buckland from the plane (this shows that the picture I have as the header on the blog was taken before the new school was built).


Sam Norlin said...

Great to hear you fun flight, and even saw some caribou!
Have fun upriver and say howdy to Cat and Ali K.

Ute said...

Great hearing that you 3 made it to Buckland. Have fun and enjoy the village and school.